Simone Biles: Superhuman Athlete

Simone Biles: Super human athlete: A look at her natal chart

Mars in Virgo in the 10th house of life path. Simone has 100% boss power in her career. She knows what she wants and has the precise energy to make her successful in her career and public image. A lot of great athletes have this placement. Her’s happens to be in Virgo which couldn’t be more amazing for a gymnast.

Mars is the planet of action. It’s energy…strength… ambition…our desire, our confidence to move forward…Mars energy knows how to get what it wants.

Simone’s Mars is in Virgo …Virgo carries the energy of being clean, pure and precise. No one loves and does perfection better than virgo. Virgo created precision and show us all how to do things “just right”. So her planet of action and ambition moves forward with a clear cut plan to get it done. Ever. Single. Time. Meticulously. Also very important to note that her mars is conjunct the north node which gives her amazing potential to do things she is meant for in this lifetime. It is what she came here for.

Simone’s Mars/north node is part of a bigger flow of energy in her chart which gives her effortless gifts, that she utilizes beautifully (not everyone does). In astro speak, it’s called a Grand Trine. For her, it is an effortless flow of energy between her life path, her values, and her daily routine. It gives confidence and harmony in life.

Currently, the cosmic weather is creating some challenges to her Grand Trine. These are opportunities to elevate no matter how uncomfortable they may feel. So what was effortless, now is going to feel a bit more like work. Neptune energy is in contact with her Mars putting a foggy lens on her normal clear cut ambition that her Mars is used to. Mystical Neptune is Spiritual…its foggy…its dreamy. It rolls in and covers the clarity with a mist and create confusion around self confidence and actions. Mars in Virgo doesn’t feel comfy with that fog, as it likes to forge forward with complete precision.

This can be painful for Virgo energy that wants to be so precise on their path to perfection. And no one is harder on themselves than Virgo. This Neptune energy can take the competitive edge away with more of a lackluster energy clouding her pathway to success so its not quite as clear as it usually is.

Saturn is also affecting her normal effortless flow as he hangs with her lucky planet of Jupiter in her second house of values and stability. Saturn teaches us and restructures but he also limits and constricts. The expansive flow that she normally feels, probably felt a lot tougher with road blocks, delays and lessons.

Lastly, with Pluto on her Neptune which is also part of her normal flow, she is feeling ALOT of internal transformation in her spiritual world right now leading her to her most current truths. As above so below. Transiting Neptune is also on her sun fostering a spiritual awakening. Internal shifts abound. What’s next? Can’t wait to see.

We all get tested when it’s time elevate.

@Simonebiles you are an amazing athlete. Thank you for raising the bar on humanity.

Tiffany Potempa