Hey, sweet souls! I’m Tiffany, a peace-loving Libra with a side of super-deep intensity. I’m a sun follower, a moon lover, and a wanderluster who swoons over a good turquoise sea. My mantra: Happiness, good health, and abundance are our birthright. I’m a wellness nut, a futuristic thinker, and a little bit psychic. (But aren’t we all?)
I get my love for all things health from my sun in the 6th house. Green juice. Kundalini yoga. Daily workouts. Check to all the above. It’s no wonder that I became a massage therapist integrating a wide range of modalities, including Ashiatsu barefoot techniques and energy work. I’ve been helping others feel more freedom and alignment in their bodies since Y2K, and I fall more in love with this work every year.
So where does the astrology part come in? Well, I followed the yellow brick road of synchronicity towards the astro-revolution in 2018, along with a yearning to immerse myself in Kundalini yoga. Both have leveled me up and led me to my truth.
What I now know for sure is that I’m here to be an intuitive leader, a guide to healing on this journey into the Aquarian age. I’m here to help you connect to the cosmos and drop into your body—for when we dance with the divine from a rooted place, we’re unstoppable.
I’m so thankful to share my gifts and be your guide—hop on for a sweet journey if you feel called. Sat nam, my friends, and cheers to keeping the vibe high!
endless gratitude + love,
What’s it like to work with me?