The Heat is on...

Wondering why it feels like the heat was turned up a few notches again?⁣
1. Jupiter and Pluto meet. Pluto who always seeks the truth is the planet of transformation via death and rebirth. Pluto also rules what is hidden btw (so yeah…virus, gov’t conspiracies..hmmm..what else.Is hidden..👽 🛸 idk just thinking) Jupiter is planet of expansion making everything bigger that he touches. They are in the sign of Capricorn who rules the structures of our world…gov’t, economy…ect… So put this combination together for some 2020 rebirthing fun …that will be huge …in the structures of our world. Seriously it can be fun, if you reframe the situation. Shift yo mindset from the sky is falling to wow we can help create this new world! #jedimindset. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
The last Jupiter/pluto conjunction in Capricorn was in 1771 which coincided with the Russian plague which included quarantines, and riots as people believed it was a conspiracy. So interesting, right? Astrology shows how history repeats itself. This year we have 3 meetings: 4/4, 6/30 (in retrograde) and lastly on 11/12. The 4/4 meeting was a very intense peak in the covid/economy sector of things if you remember back. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
2. Mercury Retrograde in Cancer . Emotions are high. Like shrill scream high. Like ave Maria high. #feelallthefeelsbaby. And move through it. #dontbeavictim ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
3. Mars just moved into Aries for an extended stay ’til Jan.. Mars is the planet of action in the sign of the warrior. Think fiery. Think spontaneity. Think impulsive. (Think tantrums & tweets) There will be no shortage of heated earthly cinema to watch this summer. On the high road…Mars is CONFIDENT and has the energy to get things done so things might happen really fast. Stay tuned.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
The heat is on. It always shows in the stars. This is your reminder that there is going to be plenty more sparks in humanities tale this year… and for the next few. I have no doubt that not only can we handle this, but we will thrive like we have never thrived before. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣

Tiffany Potempa